We are the ones who decide each minute what will be the lives of those around us and those to come.
Holding onto the past one does not feel the present.
An unconscious tongue leads the conscious mind astray.
As Noah built only one Ark, so too, God built one Earth. The Ark didn’t have life rafts, neither does Earth; were in this together, lets love each other.
Matter (nature) is the canvas upon which spirit paints life (creation).
Close your eyes and learn to see.
Search within and find what has been forgot, forget the search and you will find that you already have whats being sought.
Sometimes its hard to follow the path of God. Its always hard not to.
The closer you come to God, the closer you come to yourself.
All that is Good is in Nature.
The quiet mind hears God.
Even the blind see God and the deaf hear God; for what else is there.
Man is the heart of all religion. God is the heart of all man.
Be Free, Free from the way you think things should Be, Be Free.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Learning to Fly

Our life is our dream.
Each of us has a dream, of which not all of us are conscious.
Our dream, guides our life, and the degree to which we are Aware and Act upon our soulful purpose, is the degree to which we are happy in life ~~ in FLUX with creation.
Let us ponder a metaphor:
A baby bird has instinct to fly; and as long as it maintains the instinct to flight, it will fly - whether by its own desire, or the desire of mother bird encouraging it out of the nest.
If a bird is to ignore or forget the instinct to flight, it will grow old and languish in the nest or meet its demise through incapability to fly.
Our life is like the bird learning to fly...if we ignore or forget our dreams, then we find ourselves in a life situation which we would not otherwise choose, or at an untimely exit from this life.
On the other hand, if we maintain the deep Intention towards our dream, then we will Create...
Whether by the universe, karma, God, placing us in unpreferable situations for our personal development like mother bird encouraging its chicks to fly, or by our own desire - we will FLY
http://www.nwf.org/nationalwildlife/images/122005/cardinal_insnow.jpg ~~ picture source
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
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