Sunday, May 31, 2020

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Friday, January 10, 2020


We live separated from spirit (unaware).
It creates a void.
People try to fill that void with vices.
That leads to darkness.
The void can only be filled with faith.
In God and Jesus Christ

Earth was created for us.
Plants for food, medicine, clothes, homes
We dig the earth for minerals and have created the artificial.
Technology would not be necessary if we lived naturally.


Earth grounds the energy in a house
Earth grounds the energy in our body
Our body is our temple
We are energy
Earth purify your temple.

The universe is motion
We care choice
We choose
Taking action
Moving toward
Light or dark; Good or bad; Positive or negative


We know not from where we came, or to where we’re going - that’s why we live as though we’ll never get there.
Most live like there’s no tomorrow, and too many live like there’s no today.


Open my eyes (to see the big picture)
Open my heart (to appreciate every moment of life)
Open my ears (to the guidance)
Open my mind (to the wisdom)
Open my mouth. (To share with others.)


We all have expiration date ~ the key is not to let this life spoil you before.
Stay fresh!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 08, 2020


seeing the masses you begin to wonder how any of us could have any significance; then you realize the Creator’s intelligence surpasses all of ours - & our significance to the Creator could be beyond our intelligence to know (with our current limited knowledge of life & universe).
then you think we are significant but who/what are we. Are we more than our life, in which case its significance is temporal/finite while we are sparks of God, & as such infinitely important to life & universe.