Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Over the entire earth plane, there is disturbance.
It is as if an ant hill had been disturbed. Men run
hither and thither, seeking satisfaction, seeking re-
lease. Yet, through this period of tumult there
runs a thread of pure gold. This thread is the Truth
of man's Being, his Oneness with Divinity.

You must seek out this golden thread. See it
through all the tangeld web of human weaving.
Only as you do, shall Peace come to abide in your
heart. And only as Peace abides in the heart of
each, can it cover the land.

Beloved, seek this Peace. Seek to be still within.
Be not disturbed at the outer picture. Your life will
be encompassed by your consciousness of law and
order, by love and the fulfulling of virtues.

So be at Peace, My children. You shall stand as
if upon a high mount, and the hectic rush shall not
disturb you, and the Peace that passeth under-
standing shall be yours now and forever more.
~Eva Bell Werber~ Voice of the Master

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


In whatever arena of life one may meet the challenge of courage, each man must decide for himself which course he will follow
...each man must look into his own soul.

john f kennedy
profiles in courage

from movie The Artist and The Shaman

Monday, September 10, 2007


Skinny-dipping yesterday at Lake Erie (beach 11) with the one I Love.

Friday, September 07, 2007


It is not new people,
places, & horizons
we seek but
new eyes through
which to see.
-Yehuda Berg

Colonial Intelligence - bateria patterning themselves into higher complex order