Monday, December 30, 2019


The reality of this world exists beyond our perceptions. We perceive not its causes, but merely its effects...and perceiving numerous effects we remain distracted from their cause.  

Divert your attention momentarily each day from the effects of which our lives are immersed.  

Feel there is something more real inside of you - that is your connection to the reality beyond perception...the cause of all effect.  [energy of life]



Time is the metronome of universal balance/chorus in the symphony of good and evil.  
One cannot overcome the other but by small acts leading to crescendo - thus the movement is built in time.  

Time is Hypnotic rhythm; Cyclical thought; vibratory momentum of action, expression, all natures motion.  


When negativity enter the mind and visceral reactions are felt, one must counteract these with restorative feelings promoted by balancing thoughts of equal and opposite proportion. E.g. If you imagine fighting and feel anger (when not in clear and present danger) balance by imagine the person talking with you or shaking hands and walking away.  

You cannot confront the negativity with resistance and/or denial - it must be transmuted into an equal and opposite force of good, in mind and body.  
The physics thought forms. 


Life may not be about lessons learned, but about missions accomplished. [purpose] 

That is situations may not change as a result of knowledge, but as a result of journeys. [overcoming and growing]  


Anyone anything can be made to be less than what it is; this is what the dark force does to all in this world. The real test&mission of humanity is to be more than who what we've become!   

We must become United. Together we are more, but to get there we must be more than ourselves.  

Power lies not in the destruction of this world but in the creation of a new one; or the destruction of that which prevents its creation [revitalization-reinvigoration].  


Happyness lies in having all that you need and releasing all that you do not.  


In order to transform we must transcend that which caused the need to transform to begin with. That is, we must cease bad practices for the good ones to become effective.  


I am everything. I am nothing. Before realizing this I am free. After realizing this I am free.  
}everything energetically connected{ 
}nothing physical is eternal{ 
}you are free to imagine yourself{ 
}you are free to know yourself{ 


We are all people, by the way, 

With choices everyday 

Adding to our greatness 

Or subtracting from it.  

Not realizing that 

What makes us great 

Is beyond measure.  

Spiritual Intelligence and the matrix of reality, as opposed by the illusions, the separation in which we are enmeshed, is something we as a species can choose to 'co'-operate.  


 Life doesn't do redos…Always do your best at what you do, and do your best to make sure what you do supports your dream ~ small deeds support great dreams..! 

Sunday, December 29, 2019


When you look at the cityscape along the ocean and you can see the lights and wonder about the million things it was designed for, or you can see the water and wonder about the one thing creation was designed for. Life's purpose. M  


The hardest part of parenting is getting past ourselves, so our children can become themselves! 

Our place in life is the consequence of our parents choices; our karma to that degree is inherited - but we can surpass the limitations thereof by making choices that challenge the choices they made or didn't make that created the karma/limits of our station, thus reaching a new place with new opportunities for our offspring.  


We must claim greatness in the uncertainty. Although we may not know what this life is for, or what comes after, we must not let a lack of imagination define our perception for experience. We must write our own story, living firm in the belief that who we are/what we can do/where we are going all amounts towards greatness, an existence in higher purpose 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


God created perfect man. Devil despise relationship and challenges Gods creations perfection. God accepts challenge and allows man to be tempted, fall from grace. Devil succeeds temporarily, but God ultimately triumphs as man perfects himself by choosing his creator over his tempter! 



Sunday, December 15, 2019


Jesus and Mary and Father 


Be not conformed, be transformed.  

Romans 12:2 


You will be hated, but you will be saved.  

Matthew 10:22 


Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.  

Romans 12:21 


Be ye doers of the word and not just hearers only.  

James 1:22 



Miracles in the heart, of the planet; unite us in success, of Love.  


Matthew 22:37 

Love God above all 

Love neighbor as yourself.  


Thessalonians 5 

Not render evil for evil*14 

Pursue good for yourself and all*10 

Rejoice always*12 

Pray without ceasing*12 

In everything give thanks*13 

Do not quench Spirit*11 

Don’t despise prophecies 

Test all things 

Hold fast to good*9 

Abstain from evil*9 


Romans 12 

9 Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good.  

10 In honor, give preference to one another. 

11 fervent in sprit.   

12 rejoicing in hope, steadfast in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer 

13 given to hospitality  

14 render no one evil for evil.  


12:21  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.  


Most live confined in a box, unaware of its confinement, and even less so of its contents (ourselves).  


Aura is shadow of spirits light shining through life’s form.  

Saturday, December 14, 2019


A secret requires boundaries - until those are penetrated truths will remain its prisoner.  
[what are the boundaries set in place for humanity]

Form is a canvas

Form is a canvas and life forms are a higher art than we comprehend.  

pure living

When you try to escape the things outside yourself that feel bad by putting things inside yourself that are bad - excessive smoke and drink, or hard drugs - to forget about the things outside, you temporarily feeling good inside, but soon it’s replaced by feeling bad inside and outside.

So our thoughts are things and they stick to things so we need to starting thinking good things because it sticks back on us.

When [youre] pure living your potential you are satisfied.  

Dec 08 2011

As you manifest your reality remember that it is created from your beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and words.
Help is always available to you once you understand that the Universe works with you to create miracles in your life and problems are fixed when you understand their source, acknowledge their lesson and the information that they have for you and are willing to create a solution.




Thursday, December 05, 2019

faith - truth energy matter

Most look at a tv [without electricity] and call it a random connection of circuits with no reason or purpose. [that they understand]
But there are some who have glimpsed fleeting images on the screen and lead others with faith in creation. [its purpose and design for life]
Even fewer understand electricity. [truth energy matter] 

Faith  [prayer]
like call only speak not hear
But other line hears [God]

noble people

We have always worshiped noble kings, but imagine if all were noble people.  

Fear only grips you when you are only concerned for yourself. The moment you are concerned for others in the situation, you have freed yourself to act.  

GAVEN's Wisdom

GAVEN’s Wisdom : 6/28 @ 6:19 
WE’RE ON THE BLUE PATH (choosing/action) 
If You Say Something Will Be A Way, It Will. 

Christ consciousness

Jesus will return. Has he returned before?
In other words, has Christ incarnated by the power of God, upon the Earth in times before those associate with our Bible? In other words, is the similarity among characteristics with the story of Krishna evidence not of theme borrowing, yet the signature of Christ consciousness that continues to return as the hope of humanity.  

Faith in God and Jesus is the invisible sword and armor with which we do battle with the darkness up earth, & every choice and deed is an attack or defense for the Good. 

Dark forces test your faith, because without it you are weakest, but with it you call upon the powers of Christ and the Universe.  

Christ cares not for the fashions of your faith; only that you have it, share with those who don’t, and love everyone regardless.
That simple...  

the real reality

Some say life is empty.
I say this is not life. You refer to the world, and it is very...very empty.
Except for the life you and I and every other living being brings. If you don’t see it in yourself, look in others, if you don’t see there look at animals, if not there then look outside in nature.
Life is all around us and we are life - Alive.
Don’t confuse the walls of a false reality as boundaries of the real one.