Tuesday, October 22, 2019

[we may not know the direction, but we can choose how it goes]


You are your barometer for truth - to determine if sign is genuine guidance. 

Are the signs purely intellectual, or do they make you feel something...and is that something Truth which resonates within you [and is in harmony with Life]?

[does it make you gain energy, or drain energy?]

There are beings that decide the fate of human souls in heaven [Higher power], just as there are those who decide the fate of human lives on earth [hire power]; but is this the natural order, or a self appointed responsibility...as above so below. [?] 

We must cleanse the chakras, releasing attachment and [false] identity, to connect with the cosmic (Ang and guru [stream scene]) and allow energy to flow through us. 

This makes us easier to absorb back into the cosmic [and for it to flow through us].

Identity traps us on earth and is the mechanism the controllers (above and below) [Higher and hire powers] use to direct fates. 

Love exists in all forms and is available to all identities. [for all exists within the one]

[we may not know the direction of life, but we choose how to live it] 

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