Tuesday, October 22, 2019

RISE WHAT HAS RISEN; settle what has settled.

RISE WHAT HAS RISEN; settle what has settled. 


Those that rise to heaven will have risen on earth (proven truth of heart and mind in word and deed). 


Those that settled to lower realms will have settled on earth (given up on the good and given into the bad). 


We know feel experience the one consciousness (source) only as much as we experience the outside through a window. Our body’s the window [and little do we understand how to open up and let in the fresh air of creation]. 

We are an exerted effort from the one consciousness [manifest creation]. We must return. It [manifest] (creation) must end to begin again. 

We are all the one consciousness. It is as light shed thru a prism, and we are the spectrum of color identified with individuation, and wholeness as foundation. 


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